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Enter the World of
Karate in Dahlonega Georgia!

Have you or your child ever been interested in Martial Arts? Choe's HapKiDo Karate Dahlonega Georgia has a program for everyone in the family to enjoy!

What are classes like? Take a look around! If you have any questions, please reach out to us!

Beginning of Karate Dahlonega Georgia Classes

Dahlonega Martial Arts Classes start and end the same—bowing in and out of class! To begin, we kick things off with light stretches to warm up everyone’s muscles. From there, the class transitions into a series of activities tailored to the age group.

Karate Dahlonega Georgia Kids


At Dahlonega Martial Arts, children develop inner strength as they learn resilience, perseverance, and self-belief. Through demanding drills and techniques, they push their limits, building mental toughness. This inner strength helps them tackle obstacles, both in and out of the dojo, fostering confidence and a positive mindset.

Karate Dahlonega Georgia Tournaments


At Dahlonega Martial Arts, our teen and adult classes prioritize cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and core stability, while also emphasizing flexibility and endurance. Participants partake in diverse exercises and drills tailored to enhance their fitness and martial arts abilities. These classes are designed to offer a stimulating yet enjoyable workout experience for students of all skill levels.

Adult Martial Arts Fighting Stance


At Dahlonega Martial Arts, adults relish the thrill of obstacle courses and other captivating activities in our classes. Our martial arts program is crafted to be gentle on the joints while delivering a rigorous workout. Each session focuses on cardio, strength, flexibility, and endurance, ensuring that every participant advances towards their fitness objectives. The diverse and invigorating workouts ensure progress is attainable and enjoyable for all.


101 Ethan Allen Dr Unit B
Dahlonega, GA 30533
(470) 376-2500

Serving Areas

Dahlonega, Dawsonville Cleveland, and Gainsville, GA

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Karate Dahlonega Georgia Board Breaking

After the initial workout, students at Karate Dahlonega Georgia move on to basic kicking drills to further warm up the body. The class then progresses to different aspects of martial arts training

At Dahlonega Martial Arts, our classes stand out for their dynamic and ever-evolving nature. Each session is unique, highlighting different facets of training. For instance, one week may emphasize rolling and flipping, while the next may focus on self-defense. This diversity ensures that classes remain stimulating and inclusive for students of all proficiency levels.

Moreover, one of the remarkable aspects of Dahlonega Martial Arts is our commitment to welcoming students of all fitness levels. You need not be in peak condition to derive enjoyment from our classes.

Through persistent effort and dedication, students gradually enhance their strength and skills, progressing towards their objective of attaining a BLACK BELT!

The Karate Dahlonega Georgia Community

In Dahlonega, our community is a vibrant tapestry, weaving strong connections among students of varying backgrounds and ages. Our program’s strength lies in the exceptional instructors, assistant instructors, and junior instructors who are the heart of our community. They not only impart martial arts expertise but also demonstrate unwavering dedication to the growth and success of our students, both on and off the mat.

The sense of camaraderie and companionship that blossoms among Dahlonega Martial Arts students is truly wholesome. Despite the diversity in age, background, and cultural heritage, our students come together in unity to train and learn. This diversity enriches the learning experience, exposing students to a multitude of perspectives and fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. It is an honor for us to provide a space where individuals from diverse backgrounds can converge, establish meaningful connections, and progress as martial artists and individuals.

What are some of the Skills Gained from Karate Dahlonege Georgia?

Martial Arts and Respect


Karate Dahlonega Georgia instills respect in children by emphasizing discipline, humility, and honor. Through training, kids learn to respect their instructors, peers, and the art itself. They develop self-control, understanding the consequences of their actions. This respect extends beyond the dojo, positively impacting their interactions and relationships outside of training.

Karate Dahlonega Georgia Adult Board Breaking Awesome


Martial arts helps children develop focus through structured training routines that require attention to detail and concentration. Techniques like forms or katas demand precision, enhancing their ability to stay focused on a task. This skill transfers to academic and everyday activities, improving their overall ability to concentrate and achieve goals.

Kids Martial Arts Sparring Trophies


Martial arts cultivates inner strength in children by teaching them resilience, perseverance, and self-belief. Through challenging drills and techniques, they learn to push past their limits, building mental toughness. This inner strength helps them overcome obstacles, both on and off the mat, fostering confidence and a positive mindset.

Our Martial Arts Family

What our Karate Dahlonega Georgia Community Says

Choe's HapKiDo Martial Arts in Dahlonega GA-- LOVE the instructor! Instructor Jim Havens is not only very knowledgeable, but he's super gifted in the martial arts and has a great heart for teaching.
Choe's Hapkido is an excellent place to learn martial arts, build friendships and give yourselves and your family a great, safe and encouraging environment. My son and I have been with the organization for more than 8 years now. Dahlonega is a new and recent branch of this martial arts school. Instructor Jim Havens is not only a very skilled and dedicated instructor, but also one of my seniors and a dear friend. I am absolutely sure that with him, Choe's Hapkido Dahlonega will flourish in the years to come. Wish him and the school All The Very Best!!
Parent & Student
Great school with great instructors. I do classes with my daughter & we both love it!
Parent & Student